Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Ever notice how well-dressed but unprofessional, disorganized people like to trumpet their alleged professionalism even as they act unprofessionally?

To me, that's like walking into a room and proudly proclaiming "I remembered to put my pants on today!"

The adults will be amused, the more polite ones will stifle their smiles, no one will be impressed.

Similarly, one of our competitors reassures you he will come to your house to fix your treadmill, elliptical, etc., you don't have to somehow hoist it into a truck and bring it to him, as if that were even a good idea.

Which it's not.

If he had more experience, he'd know that is normal, that a lot of our calls come after someone has had movers move their machine, and either drop it or reassemble it incorrectly.

And once there are two unrelated malfunctions, breaks, damage, etc., it becomes exponentially more difficult to diagnose what's going on and going wrong with the machine.

He also makes a big deal about how they check in with the owner or manager when they arrive at the gym, and give you an assessment of how much it will cost to repair or service your equipment.

Wow, captain obvious, really, you don't sneak in, saying hello to no one, like some kind of repair ninja?

And does he really think that people believe there are people so gullible that they would ok a repair without having the vaguest idea of how much it will cost?


Don't be taken in by imposters / yahoos pretending to be technicians.

The fact that this guy focuses on this obvious nonsense reveals he doesn't know what else to say or what else is important to gym owners, apartment managers or regular people betrays his lack of experience.

I'd like to meet this guy someday, he must be one charismatic guy to be able to blow this much smoke and actually have people believe it.

We are the least expensive certified technicians in the Los Angeles, Orange County, Santa Barbara, San Diego and other counties.

We've been a success story for 10 years now.

Call us now to experience what true customer service feels like.

Best, Eric

Monday, September 20, 2010

GOOD NEWS / BAD NEWS; Palm is dead

I have been a Palm loyalist for years, but after trying the Nexus one, Nokia n900, HTC HD2, Samsung Vibrant, and finally the HTC EVO, I have to say, the Palm, which, let us credit the progenitors of the smartphone movement, has been surpassed.

The EVO is the best phone I have ever owned.

I will post more recommendations later, but the very best apps for android I have found thus far are;

Easy tether; use your phone as a modem for your computer, FAST connection, $10 vs $25 for PdaNet, and can apparently function even as modem for xbox, wii, ps3, etc. although this is untested at the time of this post, whereas pdanet does not.

Wiregoggles; should have been named "Instant Blueprint".

Googlemaps; toss your gps, which until this point had been the best $200 I ever spent, along with your phone/mp3 player/pda/etc you get spoken street name directions, poi search, etc and more.

voice input of text; even better than bluetooth keyboard input, my contacts have never been so organized.

4G is gonna rock the monkey; I turned to my wife as we were driving through and said; "We have to move to Orange County." She looked at me questioningly so I elaborated; "I just tested the download speed; 31 MEGABYTES PER SECOND(!).

Thursday, September 16, 2010 ; why NOT to hire him (it's only one guy pretending to be a professional company) ; why NOT to hire them (him really, it's only one guy pretending to be a professional company- that's why no one answers the phone and you have to leave a message only to have him call back 1-2 days later)

We've been the second call from people who've used the guy more than once and repaired the treadmills he's called unrepairable- when he doesn't know what the problem is, he punts and diagnoses a very expensive part (we don't want to tip him off as to which one) that almost never breaks.

In reality, we might see failures of this part MAYBE once a year out of the hundreds of service calls, so the fact that he has pretended this is the correct diagnosis more than once , and that we have been to more than a few people (who knows how many times we HAVEN'T been called out to double-check his work) who have told us he's done that means that HE JUST DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING.

Don't save $10 only to let him "experiment" on your expensive equipment.

He's only been in business about 6 months, and more importantly, can't fix stuff. He's not certified, has probably no training, and you can do a lot better.

We're certified mechanics with 20 years of experience who love to help people.

Best, Eric